Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Smoking Gun

It is still really hard for me to type, so I will get straight to the point.  We finally have an answer as to why Elizabeth is falling so much.  She has a cardiac issue called POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). 

This is not life threatening, nor will it damage her heart.  When people stand up the blood vessels in the lower extremities constrict to force more blood and oxygen to the brain.  Because people with EDS don't constrict anything well, this automatic function is not as effective as in other people.  The result is the loss of consciousness or getting dizzy and light headed.  I looked it up and it seems that this is a common symptom for people with EDS.  She went to see the cardiologist and he diagnosed her within minutes.  Her  blood pressure was checked while laying down.  Then she stood up for 5 minutes and it was checked again.  Her pressure was extremely low while standing, so they think POTS is the smoking gun.

She began some new medicines and she has to drink 8 oz. of water for every hour she is awake.  This is very painful, but it is already helping.  She also needs to strengthen her lower body to give the blood vessels something hard to push against when constricting.

Because she still has the injury to her hip, all of this is a little more complicated, but it is a relief to finally understand the problem.  Elizabeth would like to get up and go like she used to, but she needs to take it slow.  She thinks that the new medicine will clear everything quickly, but this is when the real patience needs to be strengthened.  A fall at this point could really set her back.  Even though she is doing better, her light headiness is not completely gone.  Please pray for her to take it slow!

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