Monday, May 2, 2011

Surgery on the House and Body

The house and the body are undergoing a radical transformation. In the last couple of weeks, our old kitchen was taken out and the process of reassembling it has begun. A wall was removed to expand the kitchen into our old dining room. This is the same dining room that housed Elizabeth for 1 1/2 years. We are all happy that this room is no more and will be much more functional in the future. Right now the ceiling of the new kitchen is gone and the skeleton of the cabinets are beginning to be installed.

Because the kitchen is in this state, we all are surviving on paper plates and the kindness of others. Our church has stepped up to bring us meals because of the difficulty of cooking any sort of meal during this time. Meals are further complicated because of the state of my health. A screw is pushing into my spinal cord at C-6 (toward the middle of the neck) and causing a lot of problems. There is pain in the neck area as well as weakness and a numb feeling in my arms and fingers. Most of the time I think it would be much better if my arms would just disappear right now because the pain is so intense.

Daily tasks such as typing, writing, making a sandwich, even turning a faucet are very difficult at this point. Still unable to take any powerful pain medication, little can be done to elevate the pain. This is why I am looking forward to my surgery. Last week I came close to going to the ER and asking them to just knock me out until the surgery.  I am nauseous because of the pain.  It is difficult to do anything!  Just think, almost everything you do involves your hands.  I am so tired too.  My shoulders dislocate while I am sleeping.  This causes me to wake up because of the pain in my shoulders as well as the numbness in my arms and fingers.  Sometimes I have a lot of trouble putting my shoulders back in and I look ridiculous rolling around my bed trying to get my arms back in place!  If it did not hurt so much it would be funny!  I try to get things done in the house and it only causes more pain.  I can't do my hair either.  The pain is so bad if I try that I end up sweating like I have run a marathon just by brushing my hair.  It is insane!  I thank God that I will eventually regain the use of my arms.  I don't think I will under appreciate them again.

Much to my surprise, God heard my cries and the doctor's office called and moved up my surgery date to Wednesday! My husband is so wonderful to change around his schedule to accommodate this curve in our lives.

So on Wednesday, a doctor will draw from my spine that which is pinching it and causing so much pain. Hopefully the relief will be immediate and permanent, but I know that given my mom's spine that is totally fused from top to bottom, my chances are slim in avoiding further surgeries. This is the nature of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

Within weeks our kitchen will be fresh and new and easier for all of us to maneuver about and my neck should be fresh and new and easier to maneuver about!

We are so incredibly blessed by all that people have done for us it is difficult to express my true appreciation. Just know that God is a God of sufficiency not of insufficiency! I will praise His name forever!