Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Would You Do?

Please let me thank all of you that have continued to pray and support our family. We consider ourselves blessed every day because of the unbelievable miracles that occur daily.

Elizabeth took a tumble down a flight of stairs yesterday. We had another ambulance ride to Cincinnati Children's, but nothing broken. She is wearing the 'always in style' cervical collar because she hurt her neck. Her hip was banged up, but she is better than Humpty Dumpty. Considering what could have happened, we are very blessed.

I know that God is watching and protecting all of us and calling many to pray around the world. The other day a wonderful brother in Christ visited us from Pakistan. He is a bishop and runs a church and Sunday School for a small community of Christians. He told us that he has a bounty on his head of 100,000 rupees. The Taliban are anxious to silence this dynamic man of God. When asked if he was going back to Pakistan, he said yes. Then with an intensity that I can still feel he told us that he would go back because more people needed to hear The Good News. He has been in prison, tortured, hunted and threatened, but he will not be silent.

Recently, the Taliban burned the church along with over 200 homes of Christians of his congregation. He resolves to return and continue working with the people and especially children so they will know the unfailing love of God.

He said that he came to the US to remind people here of the Good News. We can go to church any time without the worry of death or torture. The persecution comes in the form of shame or being "politically incorrect". We sleep in on Sunday because we work too hard, have a hangover, too sick or have too much work to do. Would we go to church if that meant that we might not live if we openly worship Jesus Christ? Would we go if that meant that our children would be hurt?

This bishop that came to our country as a missionary (think about that for a minute) told us that as good as we have it in the US, this is not Heaven. Heaven is much better than anything that we have now. Our problem is that we are over fed, content and sleeping. We have everything so we think we don't need God. We think because we work hard, it is our work that supplies our things. I say "we" because I am not immune from such thinking.

I really have to think about if I would continue to be a follower of Christ if it came with the consequences like our Brother in Pakistan faces daily. I would like to think that I would not cast down my faith and deny Christ, but I am not 100% sure.

What would you do?

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