Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is That? A Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Unbelievable blessings continue to rain from the sky. We are seeing things that God set in motion years ago to help us that this particular moment. I am amazed at how beautifully His plans unfold. We know God is with us right now. His presence is wonderful.

The elementary school where two of my children attend had a fundraiser for our family. The principal and my daughter's teacher with the PTC did all of the work. There were hundreds of people at this event. My oldest daughter was not able to attend so my husband went. He said that every time he turned around, some one else was offering help or giving encouragement. He said he spent the night in tears. He was so overwhelmed by the compassion and love shown to our family.

Another example of blessing came from the lady we hired a company to come out and evaluate our home. I mentioned that she talked to some architects pro bono. Well, she did much more than that. She has presented our story to charitable organizations here locally. She said that before she could even come to the part about asking for help, they already offered it! She has spearheaded a giant renovation plan with accommodations for all of us. This is life changing stuff she is doing! The groups are Hearth and Cincinnati Occupational Therapy Foundation. They are like angels and I believe that they are doing God's work. We are so humbled by their efforts, money time and care for our family. If we can make our home safer my children and I will see a huge benefit in the level of pain.

The next day we were visited by a support coordinator from the Board of Developmental Disabilities. I had applied thinking that maybe they could help, but I did not think we would qualify. Not only did we qualify, but we approved on emergency status! This means that there is a possibility that some of the materials that need to be purchased for the plan from Hearth could be funded through this program! I spent a long time in the special education field and I rarely had a family that received this support. I have never seen it happen so fast and in such a complete way! God had it all arranged. Even the support coordinator admitted it was the "hand of God" doing all of this for us!

If we can keep us from traumatic injury and strengthen our bodies we have a chance to lead a more normal life. We have a chance of avoiding big surgeries in the near future. We have a chance of living without so much pain.

We praise God for all of this because all of my effort lead to years of frustration and anger. When I finally realized that I could not do this and God could, He has shown me that His way is much better!

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