Friday, July 24, 2009

Last Year at This Time

I was with my mom this morning making cookies for the Farmer's Market in Hamilton. It is difficult to believe that Mom is able to do all she does given how bad she was last year. She was in ICU at Christ Hospital struggling on a ventilator. In the 18 days that she was in ICU they sucked out two large containers of black gunk out of her lungs. She fought so hard and each time the doctors took her off the vent, she would beg them and me not to be put back on. This happened 4 times. It was gut-wrenching to hear your mother struggling that much and pleading. Her hands were tied down so she would not try to pull out the tubes.

I tried to tell the intensivist that she has EDS and probably sleep apnea, but they would not listen. They would pull her off the vent and expect her to breath on her own, lying flat on her back. It took a call from our geneticist to convince them that she might need additional help.

Many people with EDS also have sleep apnea because the soft tissue in the back of the throat is softer than usual. Therefore, the airway collapses when we lay on our back.

God's timing is perfect, and she did get off the vent and out of the hospital. She still cannot recall many things that went on during her month long stay. I think it is her body's way of defending itself.

The worst thing I had to do was to remind her that both her son and husband were dead. I had to do this over and over because her memory was struggling. To see the look of anguish each time I told her was enough for a life time.

She always apologies for what happened last year. I don't consider it a burden as she emerged from this time a much healthier person, both physically and spiritually. Our relationship has grown enormously in this last year and I would do it over again and again if it meant we could build our relationship like we have.

A few weeks ago she stood before the bishop and re-committed herself to the Church. She did not want to stand before the bishop because she, "did not want to take away from the newly confirmed." I explained to her that many people in the church had prayed for her for many years and this public display was affirmation of their faith and prayers. It was one of the most wonderful days of my life to see her up there.

Now we can talk openly about our faith. She is drawing closer and closer to God and I am able to see the source of the wonderful qualities my mom has always had. She never doubted or turned away from God. She is just discovering how close she can come to Him now she has accepted Him as her personal savior.

Many of you that are reading this, prayed very hard for me and my mother during this time. A thank you would not suffice in expressing my gratitude for your petitions. In my mom, God made a new creation and a great source of strength for me and my family. I cannot imagine what this year would have been like had I lost her.