Hyper Mobility Type As an Adult
This is a set of advice that was
compiled by a group of patients. It is
meant to help with issues other than the formal medical advice you will receive
from various doctors and therapists. Do
not take this advice for something other than another resource you might
consider as you begin to deal with EDS.
The term Zebra comes from the
saying that is taught to medical students about diagnosing patients: “When you
hear the sound of hooves, think of horses, not zebras.” Also, no two zebras have the same
stripes. Each person with EDS can
present with different symptoms and pain.
At the beginning you might feel
that the medical appointments might never end.
If you are an adult and recently diagnosed, you might feel many
different emotions such as relief that you are not crazy! Something is wrong despite what other doctors
might have said to you for years. It is
important to let all of your doctors know about the diagnosis, be prepared that
some of them might not know what EDS is and give you incorrect
information. Some doctors do not like to
be “educated” by their patients but if they are open, leading them to
cincinnatichildrens.org where they can look up EDS written by Dr. Tinkle might
help. You also might consider finding
doctors that are willing to admit that they don’t know “everything” but are
willing to learn.
One of the realizations that will
come after some time is that there is no “magic” solution. No doctor will be able to make everything
better. Since many of us “Zebras” may
already have a strained relationship with the medical community, it might take
some time to come to grips with the fact that yes you finally have an answer to
what is wrong with you, but unfortunately, there is no cure. Management of symptoms is the key.
One of the difficult aspects of
this syndrome and a late diagnosis is that friends and relatives around you
might not have realized the amount of pain and discomfort you have endured
prior to your diagnosis, therefore, they might find it difficult to understand
why you are running to the doctor all of a sudden. EDS can be difficult to explain and
understand so give them and yourself time to digest this information. While it is tempting to spend hours looking
up EDS on the computer and do lots of research, try to bear one thing in mind-
you are the same person you were prior to diagnosis. You are not broken. This is just the way your genes express
It also might be tempting to
ignore or wish this diagnosis away.
Denial is more than a river in Egypt . Don’t be surprised if you or your loved ones
want to stay in this state for a while. “But
you have been fine all of your life! Why
are you sick now?” Or “But you don’t
look sick!” Many people have said that
getting a life long diagnosis causes people to go through a grieving
process. I know that to be true for many
people, but not all.
It is import ant to realize that
you are not alone. There are groups and
websites that you can join to help you along the way. Facebook is one resource that many Zebras
have turned to for daily contact and friendship of others that understand EDS. You can look up some of them, but here is a
very short list:
*Zebras for Life
*Ehlers Danlos Awareness
*EDS Fight for a Cure
EDNF (Ehlers-Danlos National
Foundation) is a group you may join that has many resources and guides to help
as well. The group is called “Team
There are local support groups
forming in several areas of the US
and UK . Check Facebook or Team Inspire for posting of
One of the most difficult things
for some of us to grasp is that we might need some help from time to time. You might be very used to “getting by” and
dealing with pain by ignoring it. There
is a legitimate reason for your pain and you might consider paying attention to
your body. There are many ways to one
thing, for instance, laundry. You might
consider using a reaching tool to get the clothes out of the washer or
dryer. A different idea might be using a
basket on wheels to carry the clothes to the machines. Better yet a way to do laundry might be getting
a machine that washes and dries the clothes all in one thus eliminating the
need to deal with wet clothes.
Occupational therapists can be a great resource to help think of ways to
help protect your joints.
There is a fine line between
bracing and keeping strong. You might
not have realized that all of these years you have been dislocating or
subluxing joints. For some people with
EDS, it actually might feel good to do so.
Now it is time to protect those joints from damage that will manifest
itself later. There are many types of
braces that can keep the joints in place and a physical therapist or OT can
assist with specific recommendations.
Hiring an OT to come to your house can also be helpful to find ways to
change the physical environment to protect your joints or conserve your energy.
Joint Hypermobility Handbook- A Guide
for the Issues & Management of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility Type
and the Hypermobility Syndrome by Dr Brad
Issues and Management of Joint
Hypermobility: A Guide for the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility Type and
the Hypermobility Syndrome by Dr Brad Tinkle
Hypermobility, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Alan J Hakim MB FRCP
(Editor), Rosemary J. Keer MSc MCSP MACP
(Editor), Rodney Grahame CBE MD FRCP FACP
Ehlers Danlos National Foundation
EDS Cares Network
Center for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Alliance
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital~ Special Needs Directory
Feel free to contact me if you would like to learn about local support
group meetings:
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