Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hosptial Bound

Because Elizabeth has not been able to sit up now for over a week, things are deteriorating quickly.  Muscles are getting week, bowels are not moving, other parts of her body are in pain and I don't know what to do.  I can't  even get her in the car!  Even if I could get her up on her feet, she is passing out so much that I am afraid she will fall again.

So, given all of that, she is going into the hospital soon. I say soon, because we are still waiting to hear about insurance.  All of her doctors agree that going into the hospital will help her at least get to the seated position, however, they can do nothing to repair the damage in her hips.  Really they are just going to force her to move.  If that does not work, they will give her an epidural.

This plan is obviously very disappointing as we had hoped that something could be done to correct the damage in her hips.  Both hips are torn meaning there is very little keeping the hips in place.  This also means that the tendons get caught between the bones causing extreme pain. 

The surgeon does not want to try to surgically repair the tears because he said it would be like sewing into tissue paper.  The way to get to the tear is only through the actual hip sock which would entail breaking the socket and putting it back together.  This could lead to more dislocations and eventually hip replacements.

If you follow this logic out, the prospect is bleak at best.  She falls if she stands up hurting herself severely, and if she stays seated, she tears her hips!

Add all of this to a doctor's appointment for my other daughter.  She was diagnosed with AD/HD yesterday.  This was not a surprise, however, the medication for it will interact with the current medication she is taking causing potentially deadly interactions!  Nothing can be easy!!!!!!

It would be easy to despair right now if it were not for the "angels" in our house right now working on the elevator and bathroom.  In fact, on Tuesday, I was very upset because I was waiting to hear from the doctors about Elizabeth.  I was so tired, it just plopped down next to her in bed.  I closed my eyes and I could hear not only the construction crew, but also 4 cleaning ladies that friends of ours sent to our house to help us.  It was such a blessing to know that God's hands were ministering to us at that moment.  All of the anxiety that I had melted away.  If God can make all of this happen, He will take care of Elizabeth and Erica too.

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